Biological Science Quiz Questions And Answers

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Solved Biology MCQs For Exams Preparations
Biology Quiz Exams Test

Solved MCQs for Aipmt biology questions with answers objective type quiz tests. Online MCQs basic biology questions with answers. Introduction to Biological MCQs for exams preparations quiz tests.

Biology Questions And Answers MCQs Quiz Test

Biology MCQs Quiz Tests

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Solved MCQs For Entry Test Biological Exams

Q.1: Autotrophic organisms can exist in an exclusively ---------------- environment ?

  1. Organic
  2. Inorganic
  3. Wet
  4. Terrestrial


Q.2: Incomplete or imperfect digestion is known as------ ?

  1. Obesity
  2. Anorexia nervous
  3. Dyspepsia
  4. Bulimia nervosa


Q.3: Hepatic and Pancreatic secretions are also stimulated by a hormone produced by the intestinal mucos

  • The hormone is--------- ?

    1. Creatin
    2. Gastrin
    3. Secretin
    4. Pepsin


  • Q.4: The partly digested food is stored in--------in cockroach ?

    1. Gizzard
    2. Crop
    3. Hepatic caeca
    4. Rectum


    Q.5: Death cap/death angel (Amanita) and Jack O Latern mushroom are examples of------ ?

    1. Edible mushrooms
    2. Poisonous mushrooms
    3. Both of these
    4. None of these


    Q.6: Mode of nutrition in penecillium is---------- ?

    1. Saprotrophs
    2. Parasitic
    3. Predators
    4. Mutualistics


    Q.7: Ecological role of fungi as decomposers is only paralleled by-------- ?

    1. Cyanobacteria
    2. Blue green algae
    3. Bacteria
    4. Virus


    Q.8: Simple breaking of mycelium resulting in formation of a new mycelium from each broken segments is called------- ?

    1. Sporing
    2. Conidiation
    3. Budding
    4. Fragmentation


    Q.9: Which of the following is responsible for Irish potato famine ?

    1. Dinoflagellates
    2. Kleps
    3. Physarum polycephalum
    4. Phytophthora infestans


    Q.10: In chlorophytes the main energy stores are------- ?

    1. Cellulose
    2. Starch
    3. Glycogen
    4. All of these


    Q.11: All phostosynthetic euglenoids lose their chlorophyll when grown in dark and obtain their nutrients heterotrophically this statement is----- ?

    1. True
    2. False
    3. May be true may be false
    4. Unpredictable


    Q.12: Which of the followings are effectors---------- ?

    1. Muscles
    2. Glands
    3. Sensory organs
    4. Both ‘a’ & ‘b’


    Q.13: Which of the following statement is incorrect about algae-------- ?

    1. Their zygote unlike plants is protected by parental tissue
    2. Their classification is based on pigment composition
    3. Most of them have different morphological forms in-different stages of their life cycle
    4. Almost all of them are aquatic


    Q.14: All phostosynthetic euglenoids lose their chlorophyll when grown in dark and obtain their nutrients heterotrophically this statement is------- ?

    1. True
    2. False
    3. May be true may be false
    4. Unpredictable


    Q.15: Brown algae are also known as------ ?

    1. Phaeophyta
    2. Rhodophyta
    3. Pyrrophyta
    4. Chrysophyta


    Q.16: The most important group of producers in marine ecosystem is of-------- ?

    1. Diatoms
    2. Euglenoids
    3. Dinoflagellates
    4. Brown algae


    Q.17: The drfinite shape to ciliates is given by------- ?

    1. Pellicle
    2. Penicle
    3. Calcium
    4. Cell wall


    Q.18: Secretin is a hormone produced by--------- ?

    1. Stomach
    2. Liver
    3. Pancreas
    4. Duodenum


    Q.19: Which of the following statement is incorrect about algae--------- ?

    1. Their zygote unlike plants is protected by parental tissue
    2. Their classification is based on pigment composition
    3. Most of them have different morphological forms in-different stages of their life cycle
    4. Almost all of them are aquatic


    Q.20: Which of the following is used in brewing industry to promote malting-------- ?

    1. Gibberellins
    2. Cytokinins
    3. Auxins
    4. Abscisic Acid


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