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Online bio question paper with human biology exam questions. First year English notes of biology for college admission tests. Solved online biology paper 1 questions and answers for NCERT based objective question with solved answers MCQs.
Biology Solved MCQs Questions And Answers Quiz Test
Biology MCQs Quiz Tests
Test 1 || Test 2 || Test 3 || Test 4 || Test 5 || Test 6 || Test 7 || Test 8 || Test 9 || Test 10 || Test 11 || Test 12 || Test 13 || Test 14 || Test 15 || Test 16 || Test 17 || Test 18 || Test 19 || Test 20 || Test 21 || Test 22 || Test 23 || Test 24 || Test 25Biology Science MCQs Solved Objective Type Test
Q.1: Spirochete is an example of---------- ?
- Aerobic bacteria
- Anaerobic bacteria
- Facultative bacteria
- Microaerophilic
Q.2: Purple non-sulphur bacteria is an example of------- ?
- Heterotrophic bacteria
- Chemosynthetic bacteria
- Photosynthetic bacteria
- Saprotrophic bacteria
Q.3: A bacterium with tuft of flagella at both poles is called-------- ?
- Lophotrichus
- Monotrichous
- Peritrichous
- Amphitrichous
Q.4: cells are of----------types ?
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 1
Q.5: Which of the following tracheophytes are also called arthrophytes------- ?
- Psilopsids
- Lycopsids
- Sphenopsids
- Prteropsids
Q.6: Gram positive bacteria appear----------- ?
- Purple
- Red
- Pink
- Blue
Q.7: Which of the following statement about plants is incorrect ?
- All are eukaryotes
- They are multicellular.
- Non-motile organisms
- They Are heterotrophes
Q.8: mitochondria in heart muscles are nearly--------- ?
- 400
- 375
- 350
- 325
Q.9: In some cases the blastomere can produce complete embryo the cleavage will be-------- ?
- Spiral and determinate
- Radial and indeterminate
- Spiral and indeterminate
- Radial and determinate
Q.10: The fate of each blastomere is foretol
- Spiral and indeterminate
- Radial and indeterminate
- Radial and indeterminate
- Spiral and determinate
Q.11: The skeleton of the sponges is in the form of variously shaped needle like structures called------- ?
- Stripules
- Spicules
- Brails
- Spines
Q.12: Coelom that develops from the archenteron as outpouching is-------- ?
- Pseudocoelom
- Enterocoelom
- Schizocoelom
- None of these
Q.13: Sperms released in water are carried to the mesenchyme in sponges by--------- ?
- Amoeboid cell
- Stipules
- Spicules
- Spines
Q.14: Which of the following are motile zooids in cnidarians ?
- Polyps
- Medusae
- Both of these
- None of these
Q.15: ------- are the first group of invertebrates which have developed a closed circulatory system ?
- Nematods
- Annelids
- Arthropods
- Molluscs
Q.16: All of the following are true for Platyhelminthes except---------- ?
- Flatwarms
- Triploblastic
- Coelomate
- Bilateral symmetry
Q.17: Which of following system is segmentally arranged in annelids ?
- Excretory system
- Digestive system
- Criculatory system
- Nervous system
Q.18: Which of the following is largest part of brain ?
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Medulla oblongata
- Thalamus
Q.19: Which of the following allows precise muscular movements---------- ?
- Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Q.20: Which of the following cytoplasmic extensions carry the message toward the cell body------- ?
- Dendrites
- Axon
- Both of these
- none of these