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Q.1: BCC stands for --------- ?

  1. Binary Common Copy
  2. Basic Carbon Copy
  3. Blind Carbon Copy
  4. Business Common Copy


Q.2: DHCP stands for -------- ?

  1. Dynamic Host Control Protocol
  2. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  3. Digital Host Configuration Protocol
  4. Digital Host Control Protocol


Q.3: DSL stands for -------- ?

  1. Disc Super Line
  2. Digital Subscriber Line
  3. Digital Super Line
  4. Disc Subscriber Line


Q.4: Which key is between the Ctrl and Alt keys ?

  1. Shift
  2. Enter
  3. Window
  4. Space bar


Q.5: Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block of text ?

  1. Copy and Paste
  2. Paste and Cut
  3. Cut and Paste
  4. Paste and Delete


Q.6: DropCap means---------- ?

  1. Small Caps
  2. Title case
  3. All Caps
  4. None of above


Q.7: Where can you find the Draw Table tool button in Microsoft Word ?

  1. Formatting toolbar
  2. Drawing toolbar
  3. Standard toolbar
  4. Tables and Formatting toolbar


Q.8: In Microsoft Word You can jump to the next column by---------- ?

  1. Press Alt + Down-arrow
  2. Clicking with your mouse on the next column
  3. Both of above
  4. None of Above


Q.9: Window key + M ?

  1. Show system properties
  2. Help
  3. Find Computers
  4. Minimize all applications


Q.10: Window key + F ?

  1. Show system properties
  2. Find Computers
  3. Find files or folders
  4. Run


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Basic Computer Test Questions And Answers MCQs

Q.1: How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text ?
  1. Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again.
  2. Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place
  3. Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text
  4. All of above
Q.2: --------- is the shortcut key to display active cell in Excel ?
  1. Shift + Backspace
  2. Ctrl + Backspace
  3. Alt + Backspace
  4. None
Q.3: API stands for ---------- ?
  1. Algorithmic Protocol Interface
  2. Adapter Protocol Interface
  3. Application Programming Interface
  4. Accellerated Programming Interface
Q.4: SATA stands for ---------- ?
  1. Student Athletic Training Association
  2. Specialized Assault Tactical Androids
  3. Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
  4. Student Air Travel Association
Q.5: Press the enter key in all of the following circumstances except ?
  1. to insert a blank line into a document
  2. when the insertion point reaches the right margin
  3. to begin a new paragraph
  4. in response to certain Word commands
Q.6: Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into Areas ?
  1. frames
  2. theme
  3. table of contents
  4. none of the above
Q.7: Physical structure of computer is called ------- ?
  1. Software
  2. Hardware
  3. Human ware
  4. All of these
Q.8: Which file format can be added to a PowerPoint show ?
  1. .jpg
  2. .giv
  3. .wav
  4. All of the above
Q.9: In order to email a Word document from within MS Word 2016 ?
  1. File >> Share >> Email
  2. Save the file as an email attachment
  3. Start Outlook and attach the file while open in Word
  4. This is an impossible operation
Q.10: Programs designed to perform specific task is known as --------- ?
  1. System software
  2. Application software
  3. Utility programs
  4. Operating system

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Q.1: Which Shortcut keys are used to strikethrough highlighted selection in Excel ?
  1. Ctrl+4
  2. Ctrl+5
  3. Ctrl+6
  4. None of the above.
Q.2: RJ45 UTP cable has ------ cables ?
  1. 2 pair
  2. 3 pair
  3. 4 pair
  4. 5 pair
Q.3: in Ms Word What happens if you mark on Hidden check box of Font dialog box after you select some text ?
  1. The text is deleted from document and you need to bring from Recycle Bin if required again.
  2. The text is hidden and you need to bring it by removing the check box if needed again
  3. The text is deleted and cannot be returned back
  4. The text is hidden and cannot be returned back
Q.4: All power point slides intance view is------- ?
  1. Slider View
  2. Instance Slide View
  3. Slide View
  4. Instance Slider View
Q.5: A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is ?
  1. Bluetooth
  2. Wifi
  3. Modem
  4. USB
Q.6: Which tab in Font dialog box contain options to apply font effects in Ms Word ?
  1. Font tab
  2. Character Spacing
  3. Text Effects
  4. Standard Toolbar
Q.7: PDA stands for -------------- ?
  1. Personal Digital Assistant
  2. Peoples Digital Assistant
  3. Personal Data Assistant
  4. Peoples Data Assistant
Q.8: In Ms Word 2016 the Zoom is placed on------- ?
  1. View tab
  2. Home tab
  3. Status bar
  4. A And C both
Q.9: BCD stands for -------------- ?
  1. Bit Coded Decimal
  2. Binary Coded Digit
  3. Bit Coded Digit
  4. Binary Coded Decimal
Q.10: Which of the following is machine independence program ?
  1. High level language
  2. Low level language
  3. Assembly language
  4. Machine language

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Q.1: “Ctrl + PageDown” Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to------- ?
  1. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down
  2. Moves the cursor one Page Down
  3. Moves the cursor one Line Down
  4. Moves the cursor one Screen Down
Q.2: ACL stands for ---------- ?
  1. Access Control List
  2. Access Central List
  3. Access Check List
  4. Adoptic Control List
Q.3: PNG stands for ------- ?
  1. Portable Network Graphic
  2. Portable Network Group
  3. Project Network Graphics
  4. Plain Network Graphics
Q.4: ALU stands for -------- ?
  1. Arithmetic Longest Unit
  2. Arithmetic Logic Unit
  3. Arithmetic Longest United
  4. None of these
Q.5: WMA stands for -------- ?
  1. Windows Medium Audio
  2. Windows Media Video
  3. Windows Media Audio
  4. Windows Medium Video
Q.6: CC stands for -------- ?
  1. Cut Copy
  2. Common Copy
  3. Combined Copy
  4. Carbon Copy
Q.7: Window key + U ?
  1. Show system properties
  2. Utility Manager
  3. Show Desktop (toggle)
  4. Lock Desktop
Q.8: In Ms Word Which of the following option is not available in Insert >> Picture ?
  1. Chart
  2. Graph
  3. Clip Art
  4. Word Art
Q.9: In Ms Word On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool ?
  1. Formatting toolbar
  2. Picture Toolbar
  3. Drawing Toolbar
  4. Standard toolbar
Q.10: What is a Slide-title master pair in Microsoft PowerPoint ?
  1. The title area and text area of a specific slide
  2. A slide master and title master merged into a single slide
  3. A slide master and title master for a specific design template
  4. All of above
Q.11: Which of the following line spacing is invalid in Ms Word ?
  1. Multiple
  2. Double
  3. Triple
  4. Single
Q.12: It is possible to ---------- a data source before performing a merge in Ms Word ?
  1. Modify
  2. Sort
  3. Create
  4. all of the above
Q.13: There can be many ways to insert page number in a document. Which of the following lets you insert page number in Ms Word ?
  1. Page number from Insert menu
  2. Footnote from Insert menu
  3. Page Setup from file menu
  4. Both a And c
Q.14: What is the maximum number of lines you can set for lines to drop box in Ms Word ?
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 15
Q.15: To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task pane you should ?
  1. click the play button
  2. click the show effect button
  3. double click the motion path
  4. all of above
Q.16: Window key + E ?
  1. Windows Explorer
  2. Utility Manager
  3. Show Desktop (toggle)
  4. Run
Q.17: Window key + L ?
  1. Windows Explorer
  2. Help
  3. Show Desktop (toggle)
  4. Lock Desktop
Q.18: 8 Bits make up a------- ?
  1. Byte
  2. Megabyte
  3. Kilobyte
  4. None
Q.19: What is the function of CTRL+R in Microsoft Word ?
  1. Open the Print dialog box
  2. Update the current Web page
  3. Close the current window
  4. None of these
Q.20: In Microsoft Word A template stores ----------- ?
  1. Graphics text styles macros
  2. Customized word command setting
  3. Auto text entries
  4. All of above

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Q.1: The keys on the top of keyboard as F1 F2………F12 are called-------- ?
  1. Enter keys
  2. Lock keys
  3. Insert keys
  4. Function keys
Q.2: What is gutter margin in Ms Word ?
  1. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
  2. Margin that is added to right margin when printing
  3. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
  4. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
Q.3: Which of the following are word processing software ?
  1. WordPerfect
  2. Wordpad
  3. MS Word
  4. All of above
Q.4: The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly space
  • What is that feature called ?

    1. Spacing
    2. Kerning
    3. Positioning
    4. Scaling
    Q.5: Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS-Word ?
    1. Down Cursor Key
    2. Enter Key
    3. Shift + Enter
    4. Ctrl + Enter
    Q.6: Which shortcut key is used to spell check in Microsoft Word ?
    1. F1
    2. F2
    3. F7
    4. F9
    Q.7: What do you mean by vertical separation between columns ?
    1. Orientation
    2. Gutter
    3. Margin
    4. Index
    Q.8: What is place to the left of horizontal scroll bar ?
    1. Indicators
    2. View buttons
    3. Tab stop buttons
    4. Split buttons
    Q.9: Which of the following is not a font style ?
    1. Bold
    2. Italics
    3. Regular
    4. Superscript
    Q.10: Which of the following statement is false in Microsoft Word ?
    1. You can set different header and footer for last page of a section
    2. You can set different header footer for even and odd pages
    3. You can set different page number formats for different sections
    4. You can set different header footer for first page of a section
    Q.11: In Ms Word What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop cap ?
    1. 3
    2. 10
    3. 15
    4. 20
    Q.12: The minimum number of rows and columns in Microsoft Word document is---------- ?
    1. 1 and 1
    2. 2 and 1
    3. 1 and 2
    4. 2 and 2
    Q.13: After typing header text how can you quickly enter footer text ?
    1. Click on Switch between Header And Footer then type the text
    2. Press PageDown key and type the text for footer
    3. Both of above
    4. None of above
    Q.14: Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite ?
    1. Database
    2. File manager
    3. Image Editor
    4. Word Processor
    Q.15: How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text in Ms Word ?
    1. Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place
    2. Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text
    3. Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again
    4. All of above
    Q.16: Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes in Microsoft Word ?
    1. Standard
    2. Formatting
    3. Print Preview
    4. None of these
    Q.17: Which of the following command is not available in Tools menu in Ms Word ?
    1. Auto summarize
    2. Macro
    3. Auto correct
    4. Auto text
    Q.18: Selecting text means selecting ?
    1. a word
    2. an entire sentence
    3. whole document
    4. any of the above
    Q.19: Columns dialog box can be opened from--------- ?
    1. Press Alt + O + C
    2. Format menu Columns submenu
    3. Double click on column space in ruler
    4. All of above
    Q.20: When you press the ----- key by itself it opens and closes the Start menu ?
    1. Ctrl
    2. Shift
    3. Alt
    4. Window

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    Solved MCQs With Answers PPSC Competitive Exams

    Q.1: In Ms Word AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace --------- words as you type ?
    1. Grammatically incorrect
    2. Short repetitive
    3. Misspelled
    4. None of the above
    Q.2: What is the function of CTRL+N in Microsoft Word ?
    1. Save Document
    2. Open Document
    3. New Document
    4. Close Document
    Q.3: Ctrl + S Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to-------- ?
    1. Save Document with different name
    2. Save Document with same name
    3. Save Document and Close Word Application
    4. Save Document and Print whole Pages
    Q.4: What is the shortcut-key for manual line break in Ms Word ?
    1. CTRL + Enter
    2. Alt + Enter
    3. Shift + Enter
    4. Space + Enter
    Q.5: Ctrl + T Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to--------- ?
    1. Hanging Indent
    2. Left Indent
    3. Open Tabs Dialog box
    4. Terminate all opened Dialog box
    Q.6: CPU is an example of ------ ?
    1. Software
    2. A program
    3. An output unit
    4. Hardware
    Q.7: How Microsoft Word will respond in repeated word ?
    1. A Red wavy line under the repeated word
    2. A Green wavy line under the repeated word
    3. A Blue wavy line under the repeated word
    4. None of the above
    Q.8: In Excel which key is used to open the excel formula window ?
    1. Shift+F6
    2. Shift+F3
    3. Alt+Shift+F3
    4. Alt+Shift+F6
    Q.9: The speed of communications between any two devices on the Ethernet LAN is --------- ?
    1. 10 Mbps
    2. 100 Mbps
    3. 10000 Mbps
    4. Both A and B
    Q.10: Which of the following is correct regarding Underline in MS-Word ?
    1. Color of Underline can be change
    2. Style of Underline can be change
    3. Underline can be set using by shortcut key
    4. All of the above
    Q.11: In Excel which key is used for create a formula to sum all of the above cells ?
    1. Ctrl+=
    2. Alt+-
    3. Alt+=
    4. Ctrl+-
    Q.12: Background color or effects applied on a document is not visible in-------- ?
    1. Reading View
    2. Print Layout view
    3. Web layout view
    4. Print Preview
    Q.13: What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page formatting options ?
    1. Page Setup
    2. Section
    3. Page
    4. Document
    Q.14: In Excel which key is used for format number in currency format ?
    1. Ctrl+Shift+1
    2. Ctrl+Shift+4
    3. Ctrl+1
    4. Shift+1
    Q.15: What is the default font size of a new Word document based on Normal template ?
    1. 9 pt
    2. 12 pt
    3. 14 pt
    4. None of above
    Q.16: In Excel which key is used for format number in scientific format ?
    1. Ctrl+Shift+6
    2. Ctrl+Shift+3
    3. Ctrl+Shift+5
    4. Ctrl+Shift+4
    Q.17: What is the default font used in MS Word document ?
    1. Times New Roman
    2. Arial
    3. Algerian
    4. None of the above
    Q.18: Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on Font tab open Underline Style and choose Double Underlined. Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line ?
    1. Left Indent Marker
    2. First Line Indent Marker
    3. Right Indent Marker
    4. Hanging Indent Marker
    Q.19: Ctrl + K Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to--------- ?
    1. Insert Page Humber
    2. Insert Hyperlink
    3. Insert Header
    4. Insert Footer
    Q.20: If you will be displaying or printing your document in Ms Word on another computer youll want to make sure and select the ----------- option under the Save tab ?
    1. Embed True Type Fonts
    2. Embed Fonts
    3. Save True Type Fonts
    4. Save Fonts
