Chemistry Practical | MCQs Online Objective Type Quiz Test

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Learn Objective Type Chemistry Practical Quiz Tests

Online Solved MCQs With Answers of Chemistry Test

Q.1: The solid particles only posses-------- ?

  1. Translational motion
  2. Vibrational motion
  3. Rotational motion
  4. All of above motions


Q.2: Hydrogen effuses four times more rapidly than volume of an unknown gas molar mass of unknown gas should be--------- ?

  1. 16 gmol-1
  2. 32 gmol-1
  3. 48 gmol-1
  4. 64 gmol-1


Q.3: Concept of Triads was introduced by--------- ?

  1. Dobereiner
  2. Newland
  3. Mendeleev
  4. Al-Razi


Q.4: Linds method is employed for---------- ?

  1. Separation of gases
  2. Expansion of gases
  3. Compression of gases
  4. Liquefaction of gases


Q.5: Chemical equilibrium state is----------- ?

  1. dynamic state
  2. static state
  3. free state
  4. unidirectional state


Q.6: Which one of the following raw material is not present in the cement ?

  1. lime stone
  2. gypsum
  3. KNO3
  4. iron oxide


Q.7: In how many forms do matter exists ?

  1. Three
  2. Four
  3. Five
  4. Two


Q.8: The highest temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid is called its-------- ?

  1. Critical temperature
  2. Standard temperature
  3. Absolute temperature
  4. Upper consulate temperature


Q.9: The value of activation energy is primarily determined by---------- ?

  1. Temperature
  2. Effective collision
  3. Concentration of reactants
  4. Chemical nature of reactants and products


Q.10: Energy required to form transition state is called --------- ?

  1. Ea
  2. P.E
  3. V
  4. K.E


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