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Pedagogy MCQs Teaching Jobs Test |
Child Development Education Objective Type Quiz Test For Teaching Jobs In KPK Board and Sindh Board Tests. Pedagogy Interviews Type solved notes for the students jobs tests. These MCQs are also helpuful for Pedagogy MCQs For Edcuators NTS Test.
Solved MCQs Quiz Test Pedagogy FPSC Exams Jobs
Pedagogy Child Development Education MCQs Quiz List
Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9 | Test 10 | Test 11 | Test 12 | Test 13 | Test 14 | Test 15 | Test 16 | Test 17 | Test 18 | Test 19 | Test 20 | Test 21 | Test 22 | Test 23 | Test 24 | Test 25 | Test 26 | Test 27 | Test 28
English Pedagogy MCQs With Exams Past Papers Test
Q.1: The use of technology to enhance learning process is called ---------- in education ?
- IT
- Information technology
- Communication technology
Q.2: Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ---------- to occur again in that situation ?
- not likely
- equally likely
- less likely
- more likely
Q.3: In case of spending money, the virtue is ---------- between wastefulness and stringiness ?
- generosity
- penury
- lavishness
- prodigal
Q.4: The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called ?
- Deductive Reasoning
- Inductive Reasoning
- Qualitative Reasoning
- Quantitative Reasoning
Q.5: According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering ?
- Sensorimotor stage
- Preoperational stage
- Concrete operational stage
- Formal operational stage
Q.6: Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from ?
- school
- burden
- past memory
- society
Q.7: The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about ?
- obedience
- virtue
- life and growth
- shaping good citizens
Q.8: A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ?
- analysis
- information
- experience
- evidence
Q.9: We calculate average marks of a student in the way as we calculate ?
- arithmetic mean
- geometric mean
- standard deviation
- variance
Q.10: The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play (or sports) in education was ?
- Socrates
- Plato
- Aristotle
- John Locke