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MCQs About Islamic History |
These MCQs are also for interviews Preparations also. These are most repeated MCQs of National Testing Services and also Public service Commission jobs tests/Interviews related islamiat mcqs with online Preparations.
Islamic Studies Solved MCQs Quiz
Islamic Studies MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test
Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9 | Test 10 | Test 11 | Test 12 | Test 13 | Test 14 | Test 15 | Test 16 | Test 17 | Test 18 | Test 19 | Test 20 | Test 21 | Test 22 | Test 23Islamiat MCQs In URDU For Jobs Test
Q.1: There are --------------- types of Hajj ?
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
Q.2: How many parts of each Hadis are there-------- ?
- Two
- Three
- Four
- Five
Q.3: In how many years Makki Surah were revealed ?
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
Q.4: Which surah of the Holy Quran ends with two prophets name ?
- Surah Yusuf
- Surah Ibrahim
- Surah Mujadila
- Surah Al-A’la
Q.5: Hazrat Ibrahim (AH) had ---------- sons ?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Q.6: How many times the trumpet will be blown by Hazrat Israfil ?
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
Q.7: How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem ?
- 112
- 113
- 114
- 115
Q.8: 27 attributes of Allah, mentioned in ---------- Surah ?
- Yaseen
- Ma’ida
- Rahman
- Hadeed
Q.9: Who was the second son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) ?
- Hazrat Abdullah
- Hazrat Al-Qasim
- Hazrat Ibrahim
- Hazrat Abdurrehman
Q.10: The first daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ------- ?
- Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)
- Hazrat Fatima (RA)
- Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
- Hazrat Zainab (RA)
Q.11: Makkah was also called--------- ?
- Ummul Qura
- Baladul Ameen
- Bakkah
- All of these
Q.12: Which is sixth month of Islamic Calendar ?
- Rabi-us-Sani
- Rajab
- Rabi-ul-Awwal
- Jamadi-us-Sani
Q.13: Which son of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) reached adulthood ?
- Hazrat Ibrahim
- Hazrat Qasim
- Hazrat Abdullah
- None of these
Q.14: Which is 12th month of Islamic Calendar ?
- Rabi-us-Sani
- Rajab
- Zilhaj
- Jamadi-us-Sani
Q.15: The literal meaning of Soam is ------ ?
- To Leave Something
- To Avoid Something
- Both (a) & (b)
- None of these
Q.16: First Wife of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was ------- ?
- Hazrat Ayesha (RA)
- Hazrat Sauda (RA)
- Hazrat Khadeja (RA)
- Hazrat Hafsa (RA)
Q.17: ------ is the atonement for breaking the fast ?
- To Feed 50 people
- To Feed 60 people
- To Feed 70 people
- To Feed 80 people
Q.18: E’tikaf is ------ in the month of Ramzan ?
- Farz
- Sunnah
- wajib
- None of these
Q.19: The second Ashra of Ramazan is called ?
- Ashra-e-Maghfirat
- Ashra-e-Rehmat
- Ashra-e-Najat-e-Naar-e-Jahannum
- All of these
Q.20: Which night is better than thousand nights ?
- Lailat-ul-Bara’at
- Lailat-ul-Qadar
- Lailat-ul-Miraj
- None of these