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Islamic Studies Quiz Type MCQs |
Solved Quiz Type Past Papers PPSC islamic studies syllabus with question answers of PPSC islamiat GK Type Multiple Choice Objective Type MCQs study here. All of these PPSC islamiat mcqs are also important for FPSC islamiat mcqs test.
PPSC NTS Past Papers Islamiat MCQs Quiz
Islamic Studies MCQs Preparations With Quiz Test
Test 1 | Test 2 | Test 3 | Test 4 | Test 5 | Test 6 | Test 7 | Test 8 | Test 9 | Test 10 | Test 11 | Test 12 | Test 13 | Test 14 | Test 15 | Test 16 | Test 17 | Test 18 | Test 19 | Test 20 | Test 21 | Test 22 | Test 23Solved Question Answers Of Islamic Studies
Q.1: House of Wisdom (Bayt-ul-Hikamah) was established by----------- ?
- Al’Mansoor
- Al’Ma’mun
- Harun Rasheed
- Abdul Malik
Q.2: Who is known as Sadin of Makkah ?
- Qasim
- Saad
- Asad
- Hazrat Usaman Bin Abu Talha ( key Holder of KA’ABA)
Q.3: In how many years Makhi Surahs were revealed ?
- 13
- 14
- 15
- 16
Q.4: Third Source of Islamic Fiqah is ?
- Quran
- Sunnat
- Ijma
- Qiyas
Q.5: Grand Mosque at Damascus was built by------------ ?
- Abdul Malik
- Walid bin Abdul Malik
- Umar bin Abdul Aziz
- None of the above
Q.6: Bibi Balqees was the Ruler of--------- ?
- Iran
- Yemen
- Israel
- Syria
Q.7: Comb was invented by Prophet ?
- Nuh (A.S)
- Daud (A.S)
- Ibrahim (A.S)
- Sulaiman (A.S)
Q.8: Who Introduced Police System ?
- Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
- Hazrat Umer (R.A)
- None on these
Q.9: Al-Maida means--------- ?
- Food
- Fruits
- The Table Spread with Food
- None of these
Q.10: Maqbool Hajj means-------- ?
- which is accepted
- which is not accepted
- which is observed correctly
- which is performed with deficiencies
Q.11: There are 3 Farz, 10 sunnat and------------ wajibat in Hajj ?
- 13
- 11
- 9
- 6
Q.12: The Shortest Surah Al-Kawthar (الكوثر) has ------ verses ?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Q.13: First Azan was called out in------- A.H. ?
- 3 A.H.
- 2 A.H.
- 1 A.H.
- 4 A.H.
Q.14: The first Kalima i.e (Kalima-e-Tayyab) consists of how many dots ----- ?
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
Q.15: ------- is the best eatable thing mentioned in the Holy Qur’an ?
- Dabino
- Honey
- Water melon
- Milk
Q.16: Jannat al-Baqi is located in ------- ?
- Makkah
- Madina
- Baghdad
- Palestine
Q.17: In which Sura the law of inheritance mentioned ?
- Nisa
- Ma’ida
- Noor
- Anbiya
Q.18: Which is second month of Islamic Calendar ?
- Safar
- Rajab
- Rabi-ul-Awwal
- Rabi-us-Sani
Q.19: The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was --------- ?
- Hazrat Zainab (RA)
- Hazrat Fatima (RA)
- Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
- Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)
Q.20: Which is ninth month of Islamic Calendar ?
- Shawwal
- Ramzan
- Rabi-ul-Awwal
- Safar