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Pakistan Studies History MCQs Quiz Tests |
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Q.1: The first published urdu book is ------ ?
- Pir-e-Kamil
- Dan Majlis
- Aab-e-hayat
- None of these
Q.2: Who abolished One Unit ?
- Yahya Khan
- Syed Attiullah Shah
- Z.A Bhutto
- F.M. Ayub Khan
Q.3: Bala hissar fort is in which city of KPK ?
- Swat
- Peshawar
- Abbotabad
- Mardan
Q.4: The Ishkoman Valley is in---------- ?
- Punjab
- Gilgit Baltistan
- Balochistan
Q.5: Who was the First Muslim Governor of Lahore ?
- Malik Ayyaz
- Meer Fayyaz
- Allah Dino Boland
- Agha Kuttab
Q.6: The tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization were mostly made of----- ?
- Stone only
- Stone and copper
- Copper bronze and Iron
- Copper tin and bronze
Q.7: Noori Jam Tamachi is Sindhi famous story Noori’s grave is around the Lake ?
- Haleji
- Manchar
- Keenjhar
- Hadero
Q.8: Who was the first Inspector General (IG) of Punjab Police ?
- Mian Anwar Ali
- A.Awan
- S.N Alam
- Qurban Ali Khan
Q.9: Which PTV Programme was hosted by PM Benazir Bhutto during 1970s ?
- Focus on world
- Pakistan today
- Outlook
- Encounter
Q.10: The title Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim-Unity was given to Mr Jinnah by------- ?
- Mustafa-Kamal
- Allama-Iqbal
- Sarojini-Naidu
- None Of These
Q.11: Keenjhar Lake is also called--------- ?
- Birds Lake
- Kalri Lake
- Jhari Lake
- None of these
Q.12: The Afghan Government appointed----------- to facilitate Mujahireen during Hijrat Movement 1920 ?
- Dr. Abdul Ghani
- Kamal Khan
- Abdul Majeed
- None
Q.13: Who bestowed ‘NRO’ for the first time in political history of Pakistan ?
- Zia ul Haq
- Ayub Khan
- Yahya Khan
- Pervez Musharraf
Q.14: Which are the aligned years in Pakistan’s foreign policy--------- ?
- 1963-1972
- 1954-1962
- 1947-53
- Non of these
Q.15: Recent earthquake of October 2005 was result of-------- ?
- Volcanic activity
- Tectonic dislocation
- Severe flooding
- None of these
Q.16: Under the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Pakistan has the right to use exclusively the water of--------- ?
- Ravi Sutleg and Chenab
- Sutleg Chenab and Jhelum
- Chenab Jhelum and Indus
- None of these