1st Year And 2nd Year Mathematics Chapter Wise MCQs Notes

 If you are looking online solved MCQs for Mathematics for 1st Year and 2nd Year Book You are here on right page. 11th Class Objective type MCQs Mathematics with solved answers here all of these MCQs are here with chapter wise question answers.

11th 12th Mathematics MCQs Notes

All of these Mathematics notes are helpful for Educators Tests and Teaching jobs tests in PPSC, NTS, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC and other Mathematics testing services.

1st year And 2nd Year Mathematics Chapter Wise MCQs Notes
1st Year Mathematics Full Book MCQs Notes In PDF View Notes
2nd Year Mathematics Full Book MCQs Notes In PDF View Notes

Mathematics question answers for Objective type Papers solutions are easily to solve by preparing these PDF Notes. These notes are important for Lahore Board, Multan Boards, Sahiwal Boards, Islamabad Boards and other all Pakistan boards for final year exams Preparations.

First Year MCQs Mathematics Online Quiz Test From Past Papers Most Repeated Question Answers

Q.1: The additive identity in set of complex number is ?
  1. (0,0)
  2. (0,1)
  3. (1,0)
  4. None of These
Q.2: The multiplicative identity of complex number is?
  1. (1,1)
  2. (0,0)
  3. (1,0)
  4. None Of These
Q.3: A recurring decimal represents?
  1. Natural number
  2. Rational number
  3. Real number
  4. None of these
Q.4: The product of two conjugate complex numbers is?
  1. not defined
  2. an imaginary number
  3. may be an irrational number
  4. A real number
Q.5: A set is a collection of objects which are?
  1. Well defined
  2. identical
  3. not defined
  4. Well defined and distinct
Q.6: A diagram which represents a set is called ?
  1. Venn’s
  2. Argand
  3. Plane
  4. None
Q.7: The set of odd numbers between 1 and 9 are?
  1. {1,3,5,7}
  2. {1,3,5,7,9}
  3. {3,5,7}
  4. {3,5,7,9}
Q.8: Inverse of any element of a group is?
  1. has many inverses
  2. unique
  3. Not unique
  4. none of these
Q.9: The graph of linear function is?
  1. triangle
  2. Circle
  3. straight line
  4. parabola
Q.10: Squaring a number is a?
  1. Unary operation
  2. relation
  3. binary operation
  4. Function
Q.11: A compound proposition which is always true is called?
  1. absurdity
  2. contingency
  3. contradiction
  4. Tautology
Q.12: A compound proposition which is always neither true nor false is called?
  1. absurdity
  2. contingency
  3. contradiction
  4. Tautology
Q.13: A matrix A is called real if all are?
  1. 1
  2. Real numbers
  3. complex numbers
  4. 0
Q.14: The vertical lines of numbers in a matrix are called?
  1. Column matrix
  2. Rows
  3. Row matrix
  4. Columns
Q.15: If a matrix A has same number of rows and columns then A is called?
  1. square matrix
  2. Row vector
  3. Column vector
  4. Rectangular matrix
Q.16: The multiplicative inverse of a matrix exist only if it is?
  1. null matrix
  2. Singular
  3. any matrix of order
  4. non singular
Q.17: The product of all four fourth roots of unity is?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. Unity
  4. -1
Q.18: Degree of quadratic equation is?
  1. 0
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1
Q.19: Which is a reducible factor?
  1. 3 − 6𝑥2 + 8
  2. 2 + 16
  3. 2 + 5𝑥 − 6
  4. all of these
Q.20: The circle passing through the thee vertices of a triangle is called?
  1. Circum circle
  2. ex-centre
  3. in-circle
  4. escribed circle

All chapter wise Notes are here in PDF with helpful for your exams and tests preparations. Learn online MCQs quiz tests for your final year and these mcqs are important for supplementary exams.

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