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9th Chemistry Unit 18 Chemical Industries MCQs Sindh Board

9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 18 Chemical Industries Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 18 Chemical Industries Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th Sindh Board MCQs
9th Chemistry MCQs Sindh Board

Q.1: Sodium hydroxide is prepared at large scale by the following methods.?
  1. Saponification method
  2. Hydrolysis
  3. Electrolytes process
  4. None of these
Q.2: Sodium hydroxide at 318 oC:?
  1. Does not melt
  2. Melts to a clear liquid
  3. Melts with decomposition
  4. None of these
Q.3: Carbon dioxide and sodium hydroxide react to give:?
  1. Sodium and carbon monoxide
  2. Sodium carbonate only
  3. Sodium carbonate and water
  4. Sodium metal and Water
Q.4: When sodium hydroxide reacts with ammonium chloride it liberates gas:?
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Ammonia
  3. Oxygen
  4. Carbon dioxide
Q.5: Sodium hydrogen carbonate used in medicine which of the effects it causes in the stomach?
  1. Increase the basicity
  2. Increase the acidity
  3. Decrease the basicity
  4. Neutralize the acidity
Q.6: The product / products obtained by reaction of sodium carbonate with carbon dioxide in aqueous medium is / are:?
  1. Sodium oxide
  2. Sodium carbonate and water
  3. Sodium Hydroxide
  4. Sodium hydrogen carbonate
Q.7: Carbonates and bicarbonates of sodium are manufactured by:?
  1. Ammonia solvay process
  2. Habers method
  3. Ostwalds process
  4. Contact method
Q.8: Detergents are cleansing agents prepared from:?
  1. Hydrocarbon and a sulphonate
  2. Sulphonate only
  3. Hydrocarbons only
  4. Water soluble sodium salts
Q.9: The material which softens on heating and hardens on cooling come under the class:?
  1. Formica
  2. Thermoplastic
  3. Bakelite
  4. Thermosetting plastic
Q.10: The class of plastic that can only be heated once before they set on cooling is?
  1. Cellulose nitrate
  2. Cellulose acetate
  3. Thermoplastic
  4. Thermosetting plastic
Q.11: The polymer which is used in the manufacture of bags for shipping purpose is:?
  1. Araldite
  2. Expose resin
  3. Poly vinyl chloride
  4. Poly ethylene
Q.12: Cameras, radios, telephone sets, etc are prepared from:?
  1. Cellulose nitrate
  2. Poly vinyl chloride
  3. Bakelite
  4. Polythene
Q.13: The pigments used to produce white colour are:?
  1. Ferric oxide
  2. Chromium oxide
  3. Zink sulphate
  4. Oxides of iron
Q.14: Varnishes are used:?
  1. Without pigments
  2. Without resins
  3. Without driers
  4. With pigments
Q.15: Which of the following constituents of shoe polish issued to provide shinning to the shoes:?
  1. Bees wax
  2. Soap
  3. Sodium hydroxide
  4. Pearl ash
Q.16: The common ingredients used in black and brown show polishes is?
  1. Turpentine Oil
  2. Pearl ash
  3. Animal Charcoal
  4. Nigrosine oil
Q.17: A mixture of infusion of gall nuts with ferrous sulphate and certain proportion of hydrochloric acid produces:?
  1. Printing Ink
  2. Black ink
  3. Blue Ink
  4. Marking Ink
Q.18: Red ink is normally prepared from:?
  1. Linseed Oil
  2. Brazil Wood
  3. Silver Nitrate
  4. Oak Plant
Q.19: Addition of salts and sugar:?
  1. Preserve the food
  2. Help to grow micro-organisms
  3. Spoil and food
  4. Decreases the shelf life of food
Q.20: The radiation paned through food to preserve it are comprised of:?
  1. Beta rays only
  2. Alpha and Beta - rays only
  3. Gyma - rays
  4. Alpha and Gyma rays
Q.21: Soda ash has special role in the manufacture of?
  1. Fabrics
  2. Textile
  3. Soap
  4. glass products
Q.22: Which one of the following is used domestically as cleansing agent?
  1. NaCl
  2. NaOH
  3. Na2HCO3
  4. Na2CO3
Q.23: Sodium silicate and washing soda is added in laundry saps to:?
  1. increases the strength
  2. enhance the colour
  3. Increase the cleansing ability
Q.24: Polymerization of phenol and formaldehyde results in the formation of:?
  1. Bakelite
  2. Exposy resin
  3. PVC
  4. Polythene
Q.25: A thinner drier linseed oil and a resin are the components of:?
  1. water paints
  2. emulsion
  3. Oil paints
  4. Distemper

9th Chemistry Unit 17 Organic Chemistry MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 17 Organic Chemistry Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 17 Organic Chemistry Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th Chemistry Notes MCQs
Chemistry Ninth Sindh Board Notes

Q.1: The branch of chemistry, which deals with the compounds of carbon is called:?
  1. Analytical chemistry
  2. Inorganic chemistry
  3. Physical chemistry
  4. Organic chemistry
Q.2: The first synthetic organic compound is:?
  1. Acetic acid
  2. Ethane
  3. Urea
  4. Methane
Q.3: Which is pure carbon:?
  1. None of these
  2. Coal gas
  3. Coke
  4. Coaltar
Q.4: Residue left after fractional distillation of coaltar:?
  1. Pitch
  2. Coke
  3. Matte
  4. None of these
Q.5: Natural gas mainly consists of:?
  1. Butane
  2. Ethane
  3. Propane
  4. Methane
Q.6: Fraction of petroleum containing 10-13 carbons, and its boiling range 150oC-230oC:?
  1. Light oil
  2. Kerosene
  3. Gasoline
  4. Natural gas
Q.7: Fraction of petroleum containing C21 – C40 boiling range is above 400oC, is:?
  1. Bitumen
  2. Praffin wax
  3. Light oil
  4. Heavy oil
Q.8: The oils that have been carefully purified and decolourized, act as mild laxative are:?
  1. Heavy oil
  2. Kerosene
  3. Gasoline
  4. Light oil
Q.9: The process in which the octane rating of gasoline can be increased, is called:?
  1. Reforming
  2. isomerism
  3. Refining
  4. Cracking
Q.10: A series of compounds, in which each member differs from the preceding one by a constant ratio of (CH2) methylene group, is called:?
  1. Homologous series
  2. None of these
  3. Isomerism
  4. Monologous series
Q.11: Isomerism in which the compounds possess the same molecular formula but different arrangement of carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon Chain is called:?
  1. Functional isomerism
  2. Metamerism
  3. Position isomerism
  4. Chain isomerism
Q.12: A process that breaks large molecules into smaller one, is called:?
  1. None of these
  2. Reforming
  3. Refining
  4. Cracking
Q.13: Compounds which contain only carbon and hydrogen elements, are called:?
  1. Halides
  2. carbohydrates
  3. Hydrocarbons
  4. None of these
Q.14: The hydrocarbons which contain one or more double or triple bonds, are called:?
  1. Halogens
  2. Paraffin
  3. Saturated hydrocarbons
  4. Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Q.15: The first member of alkene series is:?
  1. Ethyne
  2. Methane
  3. Ethene
  4. Ethane
Q.16: The hydrocarbons in which carbon atoms are arranged in rings, are called:?
  1. Aromatic
  2. Ali cyclic
  3. Aliphatic
  4. None of these
Q.17: The quality of petrol is measured by:?
  1. Reforming
  2. Cracking
  3. Octane number
  4. Decane number
Q.18: General formula for alkane is:?
  1. CnH2n-2
  2. CnH2n+1
  3. CnH2n
  4. CnH2n+2
Q.19: The first member of Alkyne series is:?
  1. Ethene
  2. Methane
  3. Acetylene
  4. Ethane
Q.20: The number of isomers in butane is:?
  1. 3
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 4
Q.21: An atom or group of atoms present in a molecule and is responsible for chemical behaviour is called:?
  1. Aryl group
  2. Alkenyl group
  3. Alkyl group
  4. Functional group
Q.22: Iso-butane possesses:?
  1. Functional isomerism
  2. Metamerism
  3. Position isomerism
  4. Chain isomerism
Q.23: Preparation of ethane from ethyl Alcohol is an example of:?
  1. Hydration
  2. Halogenation
  3. Dehalogenation
  4. Dehydration
Q.24: The Hydrocarbons which possess double bond in their molecules are called:?
  1. Paraffins
  2. Alkynes
  3. Alkanes
  4. Alkenes
Q.25: The alkanes are also called:?
  1. Acetylenes
  2. Paraffins
  3. Olefins
  4. Alkynes

9th Chemistry Unit 16 Metals And Their Extraction MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 16 Metals & Their Extraction Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 16 Metals And Their Extraction Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th Chemistry MCQs Quiz Test
9th Chemistry MCQs

Q.1: FeCO3 is the formula of?
  1. Azurite
  2. Limonite
  3. Magnetite
  4. Spathic
Q.2: Iron ores are found in?
  1. Chitral
  2. Dadu
  3. Attock
  4. Tharparker
Q.3: Formula of limonite is?
  1. Fe3O4
  2. Fe2OH2
  3. Fe2O3
  4. Fe2O3.H2O
Q.4: Cu2S.CuS.FeS is the formula of?
  1. Copper Phrite
  2. Cuperite
  3. Malochite
  4. Bornite
Q.5: Azurite is an ore of?
  1. Iron
  2. Aluminum
  3. Copper
  4. Chromium
Q.6: Copper has been known since to?
  1. Gold age
  2. Brass age
  3. Stone age
  4. Bronze age
Q.7: Kaolin and Potash Flspar are the ores of?
  1. Aluminum
  2. Copper
  3. Potassium
  4. Iron
Q.8: Corrundum is the?
  1. Oxide ore of Al
  2. Sulpahte ore of Al
  3. Flouride ore of Al
  4. Silicate ore of Al
Q.9: FeO.Cr2O3 is the formula of?
  1. Limonite
  2. Haematite
  3. Chromite
  4. Iron Pyrite
Q.10: Na3AlF6 is the formula of?
  1. Potash mica
  2. Cryolite
  3. Bauxite
  4. Alunite
Q.1: Formula of corundum is?
  1. Al2O32SiO2.2H2O
  2. Al2O3H2O
  3. AlCI3
  4. Al2O3
Q.11: ZnS is the formula of?
  1. Azurite
  2. Zinck Pyrite
  3. Zinc blend
  4. Zinc Sulphate
Q.12: Pig iron contains 0.05-1.5%?
  1. Iron
  2. Phosphorous
  3. Carbon
  4. Silica
Q.13: %age of carbon in pig iron is?
  1. 0.5%
  2. 0.05-1.0%
  3. 1.2%
  4. 3.5-4%
Q.14: Copper pyrite ore contains copper?
  1. 5%
  2. 4%
  3. 6%
  4. 7%
Q.15: CuS is the formula of?
  1. Cuperite
  2. Copper Pyrite
  3. Azurite
  4. Copper glance
Q.16: Mild steel contains 0.15% to 0.25%.?
  1. Iron
  2. Sulphur
  3. Silicon
  4. Carbon
Q.17: Tungsten and vanadium are present in?
  1. Wrought iron
  2. Cask Iron
  3. Brass
  4. Steel
Q.18: Cu2O is the formula of?
  1. Di copper oxide
  2. Chalcocite ore
  3. Copper pyrite ore
  4. Cuperite ore
Q.19: Froth floatation process is used for?
  1. Smelting of ore
  2. Roasting of ore
  3. Refining of ore
  4. Concentration of ore

9th Chemistry Unit 15 Halogens MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 15 Halogens Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 15 Halogens Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th Chemistry Sindh Board MCQs
Chemistry MCQs Sindh Board

Q.1: Which of the following is a good organic solvent?
  1. CH2OH and CCI3
  2. DDT and CH3OH
  3. CCl4 and CHCI3
  4. C2H2OH and CH2Cl2
Q.2: Which are of the following is known as satanic element?
  1. Carbon
  2. Chlorine
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Fluorine
Q.3: Iodine and its compounds are used in medicines as?
  1. Chemical reagent
  2. Active reagent
  3. Catalyst
  4. Components
Q.4: Pure chlorine is produced by heating conc. HCI with:?
  1. MnO2
  2. KClO3
  3. KMnO4
  4. K2Cr2O7
Q.5: Nelsons Cell is used for the production of:?
  1. Hydrochloric Acid
  2. Hydrogen Chloride
  3. Bleaching powder
  4. Chlorine Gas
Q.6: Which one of the following catches fire on reaction with chlorine?
  1. Sodium metal
  2. Hydrogen gas
  3. Sulphur
  4. Phosphorous
Q.7: Formula of mustard gas is?
  1. CaOCl2
  2. CCl3NO2
  3. COCl2
  4. C2H4Cl22S
Q.8: Atomic Number of Iodine is?
  1. 9
  2. 35
  3. 17
  4. 53
Q.9: (Na3AIF6) is the formula of?
  1. Flourapatite
  2. Cryolite
  3. Teflon
  4. Fluorspar
Q.10: Ethene reacts with chlorine gas to form?
  1. 1, 3-dichloro ethane
  2. 1, 4-dichloro ethane
  3. 1, 2-dichloro ethane
  4. Monochloro Ethane
Q.11: AgBr is used in:?
  1. Pesticides
  2. Dyes
  3. Photography
  4. Fumigants
Q.12: Each kg of sea water contains salt NaCI:?
  1. 40 g
  2. 20 g
  3. 30 g
  4. 10 g
Q.13: Iodine deficiency leads to enlargement of;?
  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Pituitary gland
  3. Parathyroid gland
  4. Pineal gland
Q.14: PVC is a common:?
  1. Rubber
  2. Medicine
  3. Gas
  4. Plastic
Q.15: Which one are the most abundant and a very important member of Group VII A.?
  1. I2
  2. Br2
  3. F2
  4. Cl2
Q.16: The concentration of HCI in stomach is:?
  1. 0.8%
  2. 0.5%
  3. 0.7%
  4. 0.9%
Q.17: The reactivity of halogens down the group:?
  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remain constant
  4. none of them
Q.18: Iodine gives violet vapours when it:?
  1. Boil
  2. Melts
  3. Sublimes
  4. Freezes
Q.19: Chlorine is how many times heavier than air?
  1. 4.5
  2. 3.5
  3. 1.5
  4. 2.5
Q.20: The most abundant and useful halogen is:?
  1. Iodine
  2. Fluorine
  3. Bromine
  4. Chlorine

9th Chemistry Unit 14 Sulphur And Its Compound MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 14 Sulphur And Its Compound Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 14 Sulphur & Its Compound Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th MCQs
9th Chemistry MCQs

Q.1: Sulphur is the second member of group.?
  1. IVA
  2. VIA
  3. VA
  4. VIIA
Q.2: What is the percentage of sulphur in earths crust?
  1. 1.1%
  2. 0.1%
  3. 1%
  4. 0.01%
Q.3: The sulphur obtained by Frasch process is?
  1. 99.5%
  2. 98.5%
  3. 97.5%
  4. 98%
Q.4: Which are of the following is non crystalline allotropic forms of sulphur?
  1. Monoclinic Sulphur
  2. Rhombic Sulpur
  3. Plastic Sulphur
  4. None of these
Q.5: Density of rhombic sulphur at 20 oC is?
  1. 3.80g/cm3
  2. 2.99g/cm3
  3. 2.08 g\cm3
  4. 1.08 g/cm3
Q.6: Shape of the monoclinic sulphur is?
  1. Cubic
  2. Octahedral
  3. Needle shaped
  4. Hedagonal
Q.7: Transition temperature for rhombic and monoclinic sulphur is?
  1. 97 oC
  2. 95 oC
  3. 96 oC
  4. 98 oC
Q.8: Boiling Point of a sulphur is?
  1. 444 oC
  2. 440 oC
  3. 434 oC
  4. 333 oC
Q.9: Sulpur burns with a bright blue flame to form?
  1. SO3
  2. H2S
  3. SO2
  4. None of these
Q.10: Purity of sulphuric acid obtained by the contact process is?
  1. 99.5%
  2. 98.99%
  3. 100%
  4. 99%
Q.11: The catalyst used in the contact process is?
  1. P3O5
  2. V3O5
  3. V2O5
  4. P2O5
Q.12: The formula of oleum is?
  1. H7O2S2
  2. H2S2O7
  3. H2S2O5
  4. HOS7O2
Q.13: Oil of vitriol is?
  1. Hydrochloric acid
  2. Pure conc. Sulphuric acid
  3. sulphruos acid
  4. Nitric acid
Q.14: Specific gravity of conc. Sulphuric acid is?
  1. 1.84
  2. 1.75
  3. 1.48
  4. 1.55
Q.15: A process used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid is?
  1. Contact Process
  2. Frasch Process
  3. Froth Floatation process
  4. Haber Harch Process
Q.16: Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with less electropositive metals to liberate?
  1. H2 gas
  2. SO3 gas
  3. SO2 gas
  4. H2S gas
Q.17: Hot conc. H2SO4 oxidizes some metals to their sulphates liberating.?
  1. H2S gas
  2. H2 gas
  3. SO3 gas
  4. SO2 gas
Q.18: Sulphuric acid is strong?
  1. Tribasic
  2. Diacid
  3. Monobasic
  4. Diabasic
Q.19: Sulphuric acid reacts with sugar to form?
  1. CH2 CH2 H2O
  2. CO2 H2O
  3. CO H2O
  4. C H2O
Q.20: Blue CuSO4.5H2O changes into anhydrous white CuSO4 when reacts with?
  1. Cone. HCl
  2. Conc. H2CO3
  3. Conc. HNO3
  4. Cone. H2SO4
Q.21: Which one of the following is powerful drying or dehydrating agent.?
  1. Oxalic acid
  2. HNO3
  3. HCl
  4. H2SO4
Q.22: A substance that changes the speed of a chemical reaction without affecting the yield is?
  1. Catalyst
  2. Electrolyte
  3. Reducing agent
  4. Oxidizing agent
Q.23: Which statement is not true for sulphuric acid?
  1. Food preservation
  2. Paints and pigment manufacturing
  3. Petroleum refining
  4. Dehydrating agent
Q.24: Sulphuric acid reacts with metal oxide like MgO to form water and?
  1. Magnesium Sulphide
  2. Magnesium Sulphate
  3. Magnesium Hydroid
  4. Magnesium Hydrogen
Q.25: Which statement is not true for sulphur?
  1. Used for disinfecting houses
  2. Used for bleaching wood pulp
  3. Used in refining the petroleum
  4. Use in the manufacture of H2SO4

9th Chemistry Unit 13 Nitrogen & Oxygen MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 13 Nitrogen & Oxygen Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 13 Nitrogen & Oxygen Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th Chemistry MCQs
Chemistry MCQs

Q.1: When ammonium chloride is heated with a base, the gas liberated is:?
  1. nitric oxide NO
  2. nitrogen
  3. ammonia
  4. oxygen
Q.2: The catalyst used for the catalytic oxidation of NH3 in Ostwalds method is:?
  1. nickel
  2. platinum
  3. chromium
  4. vanadium penta oxide
Q.3: The boiling point of liquid oxygen is:?
  1. 200oC
  2. 0187.5oC
  3. 183oC
  4. 196oC
Q.4: The air we breathe in, usually contains a higher proportion of:?
  1. oxygen
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. nitrogen
  4. water vapours
Q.5: Which one of the following is the easy way to distinguish ozone from oxygen.?
  1. by comparing allotropic forms
  2. by comparing their oxidizing properties
  3. by comparing their odours
  4. by comparing their solubilitys
Q.6: The most abundant element found in nature is:?
  1. nitrogen
  2. silicon
  3. hydrogen
  4. oxygen
Q.7: Urea is produced by heating carbon dioxide CO2 with?
  1. potassium nitrate
  2. hydrogen
  3. nitric acid
  4. ammonia
Q.8: Hydrogen peroxide is produced in the laboratory by heating sulphuric acid with:?
  1. potassium peroxide
  2. sodium peroxide
  3. barium peroxide
  4. strontium peroxide
Q.9: Oxygen contains in its valence shell:?
  1. 8 electrons
  2. 6 electrons
  3. 5 electrons
  4. 2 electrons
Q.10: By mass of water oxygen constitutes?
  1. 89.8%
  2. 80.8%
  3. 86.8%
  4. 88.8%
Q.11: Oxygen can be prepared in the laboratory by heating?
  1. Fe2O3
  2. KNO3
  3. CaO
  4. KCIO3
Q.12: CO2 is the example of?
  1. Sub oxides
  2. Normal oxides
  3. Acidic oxides
  4. Super oxides
Q.13: Ozone oxidizes Pbs to?
  1. PbO
  2. Pb(NO3)2
  3. PbCl2
  4. PbSO4
Q.14: Formula of Sodium peroxide is?
  1. Na2O2
  2. Na2O
  3. NaO2
  4. NaO
Q.15: Oxygenated water is another name of?
  1. HNO3
  2. HCI
  3. H2SO4
  4. H2O2
Q.16: NaCl is used for initiating?
  1. Halogenations
  2. Nitration
  3. Polymerization reaction
  4. Oxidation reaction
Q.17: Ozone was discovered by?
  1. Lavoiser
  2. Schonbein
  3. J.Soret
  4. Scheel
Q.18: Chaptal named the gas?
  1. Chlorine
  2. Nitrogen
  3. Ozone
  4. Oxygen
Q.19: Nitrogen belongs to?
  1. II b group
  2. VIA group
  3. VB group
  4. VA group
Q.20: By mass of the earths atmosphere N2 is?
  1. 75%
  2. 71%
  3. 72%
  4. 78%
Q.21: Formula of Carbon Suboxide is?
  1. C3O2
  2. C2O2
  3. C2O3
  4. C2O5
Q.22: Ammonia gas is collected by ---------- delivery downward displacement of air as it is a lighter gas than air.?
  1. Indirect
  2. Direct
  3. Upward
  4. Downward
Q.23: The biggest use of ammonia is in the manufacture of:?
  1. Nitrogen trichioride
  2. Nitric acid
  3. Fertilizers
  4. Nitrogen
Q.24: Loss of electrons is:?
  1. Redox
  2. Oxidation
  3. Reduction
  4. None of them
Q.25: Gain of electrons is:?
  1. Reduction
  2. Redox
  3. Oxidation
  4. None of them
Q.26: Ozone liquefies at:?
  1. 112oC
  2. 182oC
  3. 212oC
  4. 282oC
Q.27: When ammonium chloride is heated with a base, the gas liberated is:?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Ammonia
  3. Nitric oxide NO
  4. Oxygen
Q.28: The most abundant element found in nature is:?
  1. Silicon
  2. Oxygen
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Nitrogen

9th Chemistry Unit 12 Carbon Silicon & Their Components MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 12 Carbon Silicon & Their Components Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 12 Carbon Silicon & Their Components Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

Sindh Board MCQs Chemistry
9th Chemistry MCQs

Q.1: Graphite bars are used in atomic reactors because graphite is?
  1. Good conductor of electricity
  2. More reactive than diamond
  3. Slows down the neutrons
  4. Soft solid
Q.2: Diamond is used as abrasive because it is?
  1. Soft
  2. Cubic
  3. Hard
  4. Bad conductor of electricity
Q.3: Silicon is most abundantly found in nature as.?
  1. SilicaSiO2
  2. Calcium silicate
  3. Silicon carbide (SiC)
  4. Sodium silicate
Q.4: China clay is used in making of?
  1. Crockeries
  2. Electrical insulator
  3. Ceramics
  4. Glass
Q.5: Fused Silica which is also known as quartz glass is used for making;?
  1. Absorbent
  2. Optical lenses and prisms
  3. Silicon carbide
  4. Concrete or cement
Q.6: Melting point of sodium silicate is?
  1. 1410oC
  2. 11009oC
  3. 1090oC
  4. 990oC
Q.7: Soft coal is called?
  1. Lignite
  2. Peat
  3. Anthracite
  4. Bitumen
Q.8: The hardest Natural Substance Known to man is?
  1. Silica
  2. Graphite
  3. Bucky Balls
  4. Diamond
Q.9: Boil or carbando is the?
  1. Blue Diamond
  2. Yellow Diamond
  3. Green Diamond
  4. Black Diamond
Q.10: Clusters of carbon atoms as molecules of?
  1. Coke
  2. Bort
  3. Plumbago
  4. Bucky Ball
Q.11: Shape of diamond crystal is?
  1. hexagonal
  2. Needle like
  3. Cubic
  4. Octahedral
Q.12: The layers are arranged in parallel form one above the other?
  1. Graphite
  2. Diamond
  3. Water Glass
  4. Silica
Q.13: Coal is the amorphous form of the?
  1. Carbon
  2. Iron
  3. Silicon
  4. Calcium
Q.14: Coke is produced by heating bituminous coal to very high temperature about?
  1. 1400oC
  2. 1300oC
  3. 1350oC
  4. 1090oC
Q.15: --------- burns in air with no smoke and leaves very little residue.?
  1. Coal
  2. Coke
  3. Charcoal
  4. Coaltar
Q.16: All the different carbon allotropes are black or grayish black solids except?
  1. Bucky Balls
  2. Graphite
  3. Diamond
  4. None of these
Q.17: Allotropes of carbon have high melting point, above?
  1. 2000oC
  2. 4000oC
  3. 3000oC
  4. 1000oC
Q.18: Carbon is powerful?
  1. Oxidizing agent
  2. Bleaching agent
  3. Reducing Agent
  4. None of these
Q.19: The ability of the carbon atoms to bond itself forming long chains and rings?
  1. Conduction
  2. Carbonization
  3. Called
  4. None of these
Q.20: Which one of the following is bad conductor of electricity?
  1. Diamond
  2. Silver
  3. Copper
  4. Graphite

9th Chemistry Unit 11 Hydrogen MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 11 Hydrogen Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 11 Hydrogen Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

9th Sindh Board MCQs
9th Chemistry MCQs Notes

Q.1: Select all those things which result when sodium metal is placed in a beaker of water:?
  1. Water becomes acidic
  2. Sodium disappears after sometime
  3. H2 and NaOH
  4. No action
Q.2: Hydrogen is a diatomic molecule with bond energy:?
  1. 100 K.J / mol
  2. 104 K.Cal \ mol
  3. 150 K.Cal / mol
  4. 200 KJ / mol
Q.3: Deuterium is present in natural hydrogen in the ratio?
  1. 10050000
  2. 115000
  3. 1.0
  4. 11200
Q.4: A human being consumes water about --------- everyday.?
  1. 2 litres
  2. 10 litres
  3. 1 litre
  4. 5 litres
Q.5: Polluted water is -------- for drinking purposes.?
  1. unfit
  2. used
  3. useful
  4. fit
Q.6: MoI. mass of heavy water is:?
  1. 18 a.m.u
  2. 20 a.m.u
  3. 16 a.m.u
  4. 22 a.m.u
Q.7: The maximum density of water at 4oC is:?
  1. 1.0g\cm3
  2. 1.2g/dm3
  3. 0.998g/cm3
  4. 0.918g/cm3
Q.8: The freezing point of heavy water is?
  1. 4oC
  2. 1oC
  3. 0oC
  4. 3.81oC
Q.9: Cavendish in 766 discovered.?
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Helium
  3. Oxygen
  4. Nitrogen
Q.10: Sun and other stars are largely composed of:?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Hydrogen
  4. Helium
Q.11: In the earth crust hydrogen is the ---------- most abundant element:?
  1. 9th
  2. 8th
  3. 7th
  4. 10th
Q.12: Water gas is a mixture of hydrogen H2 and?
  1. SO2
  2. Cl2
  3. CO2
  4. CO
Q.13: During the reaction of natural gas and steam the catalyst used is?
  1. Cr
  2. Zn
  3. Fe
  4. Ni
Q.14: Hydrogen has ---------- isotopes?
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 5
Q.15: The number of electron hydrogen contains in its K shell is?
  1. 4
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 3
Q.16: Smallest element by size is?
  1. Nitrogen
  2. Oxygen
  3. Helium
  4. Hydrogen
Q.17: Gas filled in weather balloon is?
  1. Hydrogen
  2. Ammonia
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Oxygen
Q.18: Carbon black and H2 are formed when ---------- is decomposed thermally above 700oC.?
  1. OC
  2. CH2 = CH2
  3. CO2
  4. CH4
Q.19: In sodium hydride NaH oxidation sate of hydrogen is?
  1. 1
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. 2
Q.20: Atomic hydrogen is called?
  1. Tritium
  2. Deutrium
  3. Protium
  4. Nascent hydrogen

9th Chemistry Unit 10 Chemical Energetics MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 10 Chemical Energetics Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 10 Chemical Energetics Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

Chemistry Sindh Board Notes
9th Chemistry Chemical Energetics MCQs

Q.1: In an exothermic reaction.?
  1. None of them
  2. Heat energy is gained
  3. Heat energy is lost
  4. Heat energy is lost as well as gained
Q.2: In an exothermic reaction.?
  1. Container becomes cold
  2. The temperature of container remains the same
  3. Container becomes hot
  4. None of them
Q.3: During an endothermic reaction.?
  1. Total energy of reactants increases
  2. The temperature of container used remains same
  3. Container used becomes hot
  4. Container used becomes cold
Q.4: The heat evolved during the formation of 1 mole of water from H2 and O2 is.?
  1. 186 Kilo joules/mol.
  2. 300 Kilo joules/mol.
  3. 286 Kilo Joules\mol.
  4. 200 Kilo joules/mol.
Q.5: The formation of water from H2 and O2 is example of:?
  1. None of them
  2. Neutralization reaction
  3. Exothermic reaction
  4. Endothermic reaction
Q.6: In endothermic reaction:?
  1. heat is evolved
  2. heat is absorbed
  3. heat is neither absorbed not evolved
  4. none of them
Q.7: In exothermic reaction:?
  1. heat is absorbed
  2. heat is evolved
  3. heat is neither absorbed not evolved
  4. none of them
Q.8: The Brach of chemistry which deals with the study of heat changes in chemical reaction is called:?
  1. inorganic chemistry
  2. biochemistry
  3. organic chemistry
  4. thermo-chemistry
Q.9: During the combustion of coal, energy released is:?
  1. 286 KJ/mole
  2. 3.53 KJ/mole
  3. 393.7 KJ\mole
  4. 890 K.J/mole
Q.10: Using exothermic reaction to warm food, the temperature of food reaches to:?
  1. 60.5oC
  2. 50oC
  3. 60oC
  4. 55oC
Q.11: The flameless radiation heater contains a mixture of:?
  1. Mg, Ca and NaCI
  2. Mg, Na and H2O
  3. Mg, Fe and NaCI
  4. Mg, Ca and H2O
Q.12: Which of the following reaction is endothermic?
  1. The decomposition of H2O
  2. The formation of H2O from H2 and O2
  3. Burning of Methane
  4. Combustion of Coal
Q.13: The reaction between an acid and base to form salt and water is called:?
  1. Decomposition
  2. Addition
  3. Neutralization
  4. None of These
Q.14: The formation of NO from ½ N2 and ½ O2 is an example of:?
  1. exothermic reaction
  2. neutralization reaction
  3. endothermic reaction
  4. none of these
Q.15: When methane is burnt amount of heat released is:?
  1. 890 KJ/mole
  2. 92.0 KJ/mole
  3. 296 KJ/mole
  4. 286 KJ/mole

9th Chemistry Unit 9 Acids Bases And Salts MCQs Sindh Board

 9th Grade Chemistry Chapter 9 Acids, Bases And Salts Sindh Board MCQs Notes Online Chapter Wise Question Answers. Sindh Boards Chemistry Subject Notes For Exams Preparations Karachi, Jamshoro, Sindh Boards. Chemistry class Ninth sindh board notes Unit 9 Acids, Bases And Salts Most Repeated Multiple Choice Questions With Answers. Chemistry notes for class IX sindh board karachi Boards.

Chemistry Notes
9th Chemistry Sindh Board Notes

Q.1: The substances whose aqueous solution change the blue litmus to red:?
  1. Bases
  2. Acids
  3. Salts
  4. Neutral
Q.2: The substances having a tendency to lose one or more protons are called:?
  1. Salts
  2. Bases
  3. Acids
  4. Neutral
Q.3: The substances which donate the pair of electrons for bond formation, is known as:?
  1. Acids
  2. Bases
  3. Salts
  4. Neutral
Q.4: When equivalent quantities of acid and base are mixed, salt and water are formed, the reactions is termed as:?
  1. Neutralization
  2. Hydrolysis
  3. None of these
  4. Hydration
Q.5: The acids, which contain one acidic hydrogen are called?
  1. Di-protic
  2. Tri-protic
  3. Mono-protic
  4. Poly protic
Q.6: The number of acidic hydrogen atoms present in a molecule of an acid is called:?
  1. Basicity
  2. Hydrolysis
  3. Neutral
  4. Acidity
Q.7: The number of replaceable [OH-] ions present in a molecule of base is called:?
  1. Acidity
  2. Neutral
  3. Basicity
  4. Hydrolysis
Q.8: An acid that produces large number of (H+) ions in aqueous solution is called:?
  1. Weak acid
  2. Weak base
  3. Strong base
  4. Strong acid
Q.9: An ionic compound, that is formed when an acid neutralizes a base, is called:?
  1. Bases
  2. Neutral
  3. Salts
  4. Acids
Q.10: Salts that formed by the reaction of weak acid with srong base are:?
  1. Basic
  2. Acidic
  3. Normal
  4. Neutral
Q.11: Salts that formed by the reaction of weak acid with strong base are:?
  1. Basic
  2. Normal
  3. Neutral
  4. Acidic
Q.12: Alums are:?
  1. Normal salts
  2. Triple salts
  3. Double salts
  4. Single salts
Q.13: The formula of washing soda is.?
  1. NaHCO3
  2. Na2CO3.6H2O
  3. Na2CO3
  4. Na2CO3. 10H2O
Q.14: All the citrus fruits contain?
  1. Butyric acid
  2. Ascorbic acid
  3. Lactic acid
  4. Acetic acid
Q.15: All the acids and bases react together to form salt and water, the reaction is called.?
  1. Decomposition
  2. Synthesis
  3. Hydrolysis
  4. Neutralization
Q.16: According to Arrhenius, a base gives hydroxide OH- ion in water, while an acid gives?
  1. Ammonium ion
  2. Metallic ion
  3. Hydrogen ion
  4. Non metallic
