Learn Most Difficult English Words Letter Q with solved Meanings in URDU and English for your exams and tests preparations. All of these most difficult words are helpful for preparations of PPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS, PTS, BPSC, SPSC and many more related competitive exams and tests.
English Letter Q difficult Words Meanings |
Letter Q English Words Meanings For Exams Tests
Sr. |
Words |
URDU Meanings |
English Meanings |
1 |
Quack |
کائیں کائیں کرنا |
The Sound Made By A Duck |
2 |
Quadrilateral |
ایسی شکل جس کے چار زاویے ہوں |
A Four-Sided Polygon |
3 |
Quadruped |
چوگنی |
An Animal Especially A Mammal Having Four Limbs |
4 |
Quaff |
کوف |
Swallow Hurriedly Or Greedily Or In One Draught |
5 |
Quagmire |
دلدل |
A Soft Wet Area Of Low-Lying Land That Sinks Underfoot |
6 |
Quaint |
عجیب |
Attractively Old-Fashioned |
7 |
Qualified |
اہل |
Meeting The Proper Standards And Requirements For A Task |
8 |
Qualify |
معیار پر پورا اترنا |
Prove Capable Or Fit; Meet Requirements |
9 |
Qualitative |
قابلیت |
Involving Distinguishing Attributes |
10 |
Qualm |
پرسکون |
Uneasiness About The Fitness Of An Action |
11 |
Quandary |
جھگڑا |
A Situation From Which Extrication Is Difficult |
12 |
Quantitative |
مقداری |
Expressible As An Amount That Can Be Measured |
13 |
Quantity |
مقدار |
How Much There Is Or How Many There Are Of Something |
14 |
Quantum |
ایک خاص مقدار |
The Smallest Discrete Quantity Of Some Physical Property |
15 |
Quarantine |
قرنطینہ |
Isolation To Prevent The Spread Of Infectious Disease |
16 |
Quarrel |
جھگڑا |
An Angry Dispute |
17 |
Quarry |
کان |
A Surface Excavation For Extracting Stone Or Slate |
18 |
Quash |
مسترد کرنا |
Put Down By Force Or Intimidation |
19 |
Quay |
لکڑی یا پتھر کا چبُوترا |
Wharf Usually Built Parallel To The Shoreline |
20 |
Queasy |
بے چین |
Feeling Nausea |
21 |
Quell |
روکنا |
Suppress Or Crush Completely |
22 |
Quench |
بجھانا |
Put Out, As Of Fires, Flames, Or Lights |
23 |
Querulous |
جھگڑالو |
Habitually Complaining |
24 |
Query |
استفسار |
Pose A Question |
25 |
Quest |
جستجو |
The Act Of Searching For Something |
26 |
Queue |
قطار |
Form A Line Or Stand In Line |
27 |
Quibble |
جھنجھوڑا |
Argue Over Petty Things |
28 |
Quiescent |
پرسکون |
Being Quiet Or Still Or Inactive |
29 |
Quietude |
خاموشی |
A State Of Peace And Quiet |
30 |
Quintessence |
لطافت |
The Most Typical Example Or Representative Of A Type |
31 |
Quip |
منہ چڑانا, ہنسی اڑانا |
Witty Remark |
32 |
Quirk |
نرالا |
A Strange Attitude Or Habit |
33 |
Quirky |
غیر روایتی |
Strikingly Unconventional |
34 |
Quisling |
دشمن سے تعاون کرنے والا |
Someone Who Collaborates With An Enemy Occupying Force |
35 |
Quiver |
کانپنا |
Shake With Fast, Tremulous Movements |
36 |
Quixotic |
غیر فطری شیخ چلی من چلا |
Not Sensible About Practical Matters |
37 |
Quizzical |
نرم بولنے والا |
Playfully Vexing, Especially By Ridicule |
38 |
Quorum |
لوگوں کی مطلوبہ تعداد |
A Gathering Of The Minimal Number Of Members Of A Group |
39 |
Quotation |
اقتباس |
A Passage Or Expression That Is Cited |
40 |
Quotidian |
کام کا دن |
Found In The Ordinary Course Of Events |